Our Approach

Our Story


Our school was established in February of 1980. Since its beginning, our commitment has been to bring to the child, quality in education by creating a total Montessori environment.  To give the child an environment which is happy, secure, and where the joy of learning comes readily and develops to its fullest potential.


This special method, named for the Italian physician, Maria Montessori, stresses the importance of the development of a healthy self-concept. Education, she believed, is a preparation for life, not merely a search for intellectual skills…the child has one intuitive aim, that of self-development. He desperately wants to develop his inner resources and his ability to cope with a strange, complex world. The child who accomplishes this, moves into harmony with his world and becomes a full person. The Montessori method pursues the fact that the mind of the very young child is absorbent, thus the environment should be prepared carefully to train his senses, to stimulate his curiosity, to satisfy his need to know, and to protect him from unnecessary failure.Montessori’s philosophy and the psychological principles upon which she devised a carefully graded series of self-teaching devices are now commonly accepted and supported by current research.


The environment is specially prepared to foster satisfaction in learning by discovery and a joy in achievement. The climate and selected activities are prepared to interest and motivate the child and to protect him from unnecessary failure. The Montessori materials develop basic problem solving and observational techniques. The child begins in the concrete with manipulative materials and gradually works toward the abstract. Montessori’s recognition of the importance of a stimulating environment as a means of “freeing the child’s potential”, is now supported by a multitude of studies of early learning.

All Montessori classrooms are totally equipped with the specially designed and sequenced materials which Dr. Montessori devised, as well as other appropriate materials which compliment and enrich the classroom. These materials, together with highly trained, motivated Directresses, provide a classroom where the child is stimulated and challenged without pressure.


The very young child is in the process of forming his first impressions of his own nature and ability, of other people, and of life in general—impressions that can last a lifetime. To reach the highest potential possible, the child must develop a healthy self-concept, wholesome attitudes and values, desirable skills and habits, independence and self-reliance, and the ability to adjust and to think reflectively, as well as, a sensitivity in human relationships and a curiosity and appreciation of nature and the world that surrounds him.


The role of the Montessori Directress differs considerably from a traditional teacher. She observes and assists the child according to the child’s individual needs and interests. She is trained to recognize periods of readiness, and to demonstrate the correct use of the material to the children. To reinforce in a positive manner, at times she will encourage a hesitant child; at other times, she will divert a child who chooses material beyond his ability.

She protects the child’s integrity and allows the child to have freedom of choice and to make decisions. The child’s decisions are expected to reflect a sense of responsibility. He is helped by the manner of the Directress, which is firm and consistent, yet patient and gentle.

All Directresses at the Primary and Elementary levels are certified through a recognized Montessori training program and have had one to two years of internship, in addition to their formal education. Associate Directresses at the Pre-Primary level have assisted in the Primary level for a year or more and are in the process of working toward their certification. All Montessori Certified Directresses also possess Ancillary Montessori Certification from the Louisiana Department of Education.

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