Pre-Primary: Ages – 3 – 4+ Yrs

Montessori pre-primaryThis class is designed to help the young child develop his language, sense of order, self-discipline, and to prepare  for transition into the Montessori Primary class at the appropriate time.

The child is introduced to the various areas of the Montessori curriculum: Sensorial, Practical Life, Math, Language, Geography, Science and Music. Montessori materials follow a sequential order and as one material is perfected the next is introduced.  Thus each child works at an individual pace.

The Sensorial materials will help to develop the child’s sense of discrimination and powers of observation.  The Practical Life materials help develop both fine and gross motor coordination and help the child acquire the discipline necessary to complete a task.  Language materials introduce the Pre-Primary child to the phonetic sounds, pre-reading exercises, activities in word articulation and learning the nomenclature associated with his environment.  Math materials introduce the child to recognition of symbols 0-9, geometric shapes, and simple symbol-quantity relationship.  Geography is first introduced with a puzzle map of the continents of the world. Science is explored through materials that demonstrate parts of plants, animals, and the human body.  Art activities and Music also enrich this program.

Children are evaluated for transition into the Primary class at approximately 4 years of age.  However, observation has shown that on occasion, a child may be ready intellectually to move on to more challenging activities, but may not be ready emotionally to undertake the independence and self-direction needed in the Primary class. Therefore, we have expanded the materials in the Pre-Primary environment to challenge that child’s intellectual ability and still provide him with the security and direction to satisfy his emotional needs.

Children entering the Pre-primary level must be completely toilet trained to enroll in extended-day and utilize the before and/or aftercare program. Children working cooperatively towards toilet training may be considered for the ½ day program.

Primary: Ages 4 – 6+ Yrs.

Montessori primary class

The materials in this environment are specially designed for the child three through six + years of age.  The program is based on a three year cycle and the materials are sequenced by degree of difficulty.  Therefore, as the child perfects one area of work, he may move on to the next.  Directresses are certified for ages 2.5 thru 7 years of age. The Primary Classroom also includes a number of materials seen in the Pre primary classroom to enable the older child new to Montessori to experience materials that may be needed as prerequisites for more advanced activities.

The curriculum is composed of several areas of materials:

  • Practical Life:  Pouring, spooning, polishing, food preparation, care of person and environment, grace and courtesy, etc., are activities which increase the child’s attention span, develop motor control, as well as promote diligence, independence, self-confidence, and inter-social behavior.
  • Sensorial:  A child learns through his senses.  A child working systematically with this apparatus, builds a firm and wide foundation for his future intellectual life.  This series of interrelated sensorial materials guides the child through a sequence of activities that involve discrimination of size, weight, color, texture, etc.  These activities also allow the child to organize, classify, and give language to the sensory experiences he has received since birth.  Dr. Montessori appropriately named this apparatus, “The Keys to the Universe”.
  • Language:  Learning the basic phonetic sounds through the five senses enables the young child to begin building simple words.  The child begins to read phonetically, then progresses into phonograms, non-phonetic reading, sentence building, and finally parts of speech and grammar.
  • Math:  Starting with the basic materials to distinguish symbol from quantity, the child uses materials which teach the underlying concepts of math, i.e., place value, process, etc.  Manipulation of these concrete materials provides a foundation which precedes abstraction.
  • Geography, Science, etc.:  A child progresses through a series of puzzle maps learning the continents and their countries.  Related activities familiarize the child with people and cultures of other lands.  Botany materials, as well as experiments, and observations of life cycles, enrich the science area.
  • Art & Music:  Art activities are available in the environment to encourage the child’s self-expression.  Craft activities are implemented during holiday celebrations.  Music appreciation, tone bars, songs, and music and movement, enrich this area of the program.
  • Foreign Language, Physical Education, and Field Trips play an important part in our program.

Junior Elementary: Ages 6 – 9 Yrs.

Montessori Junior classThis level of the Montessori Elementary Program provides a prepared environment to meet the changing needs of the 6 to 9 year old child. This expanded environment is rich in activities designed to foster the child’s intellectual development.

Under the observation and guidance of a specially trained Montessori Elementary Directress, the child perfects his basic math and language skills. The student progresses through a series of sequentially structured exercises using the multi-sensory materials which assist him in learning. Montessori elementary materials illustrate concepts in a concrete form, thereby enabling the child to make intellectual abstractions, the basis of intelligent functioning.

The Curriculum:

  • Math: Internalization of facts, math operations from simple to complex, fractions, multiples, concept of cubing and squaring, problem solving, time, geometry.
  • Language: Reading, comprehension, creative writing, spelling, parts of speech, grammar and syntax.
  • Science: Montessori’s method has its base in scientific observation. Experiments, classifying the plant and animal kingdom, and other subject matter related to the physical and life sciences are covered. Students become actively involved in this area both in and out of the classroom. The building of inquiry skills helps the child begin to understand more about himself and the world around him.
  • Geography: Geography materials assist the student in furthering his internalization of the countries of the world, their capitols, cultural differences, climate, topography, etc. Study of land forms, the earth and its parts, and geology are also incorporated in this area.
  • History: Concrete presentation through pictorial time lines makes history interesting. The study of history is closely tied to the study of geography and science. The concept of the passage of time and the fundamental needs of man will eventually lead into the study of the development of the universe, life, and man and his history.
  • Art and Music: Art is integrated into the program in various ways, i.e., creative writing, science, geography, etc. The student may use various materials in the classroom to creatively express himself. Painting, drawing, and crafts are a scheduled part of the curriculum. Students attend a scheduled music class weekly, but also have specific materials integrated in the classroom environment, i.e., Montessori Bells, tone bars, etc. Pitch, music notation, and theory are presented when the child is ready.
  • Foreign Language: (French & Spanish), Physical Education, and Field Trips are also an integral part of this program.

The foundation developed at the Primary level (3-6+ years), with regard to mastery of materials, work habits, and self-discipline, is an essential pre-requisite for students applying for the Junior Elementary level.


Before and after school care is provided for our students 3 years and older. There is an additional fee for this service. (see schedule) We are, however, primarily and educational center and should not be confused with a day nursery. Our calendar designates scheduled school closings, following the basic schedule of the parish schools with a few exceptions. Alternative care will be necessary during school closings.

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If you feel this might be a good fit for your child - please contact us to schedule an appointment.