We welcome and encourage parents to observe our classes. Observations and visits are scheduled by appointment only to insure we do not have continual unscheduled interruptions in the classroom. Children should not accompany parents for scheduled observations. Applying students are evaluated for entry after parents participated in the classroom observation.


Parents must first schedule a classroom observation. Applications should then be sent to the admissions office: Stepping Stones Montessori, 520 Terry Parkway, Gretna, La. 70056, accompanied by a check for the application & evaluation fee. The school director will contact you to schedule an evaluation appointment for your child. Once accepted, the registration fee must be submitted along with your commitment fee equal to one tuition installment. The commitment fee is applicable to tuition. (see schedule) Due to the individualized nature of the program, a child may enter at any time during the school year.


Tuition if figured on an annual basis. Pre-Primary and Primary schedules are divided into ten (10) monthly installments. The Elementary schedule has three plans available for your selection. (See schedule) A 30 day notice is required for withdrawal of Pre-Primary and Primary students. Elementary enrollment is a commitment for the school year.


The child benefits greatly from working with the concrete apparatus through nine years of age. Thus, the amount of materials made available to students in the Montessori environments, gradually increase until a peak if reached in the six to nine age group. (Jr. Elementary). After nine years of age, the child moves into an area of more abstract learning, gradually decreasing the use of materials and increasing the use of reference materials. Therefore, if the nine to twelve year (Advanced Elementary) level is not established by the time the student is of age to enter a traditional 4th grade class, this would be the appropriate time to transfer to a more traditional environment.

When to transfer from Montessori to traditional education, however, is an individual matter. Montessori education instills in the child, the desire to learn and develop the skills for success. In general, a child who has a good attitude and values, has developed skills and habits essential for effective living, and is self-disciplined and respects the rules of the environment, will have no difficulty adjusting to other schools. Teachers usually find students from a Montessori background to be cooperative, self-reliant, and eager to learn.